Our company has 5000 m² indoor facility. In this facility we able to produce 750 tons EDDHA chelate Iron.
We also serve to our business partners for EDDHA synthesis, chelation, and some herbicide , insecticide synthesis.
Our company has 5000 m² indoor facility. In this facility we able to produce 750 tons EDDHA chelate Iron.
We also serve to our business partners for EDDHA synthesis, chelation, and some herbicide , insecticide synthesis.
In addition to giving importance to quality and technological developments in XANTAFE products, environment friendly production methods are among the priorities.
We uses high technology to increase yield and quality in our products. Our goal is to present tomorrow’s technology to our producers today.
Xantafe produces iron-based fertilizers. Because our company specializes in this area, it provides the producers with high quality iron fertilizer, which gives high benefit in the light of their knowledge and experiences.
As Xantafe, we concentrate only on our business as a result of our philosophy which is focused on production. Thanks to our precise calibrations in our production facility, we are also producing great products.
As Xantafe, we always keep customer satisfaction in the front row. Since our relationship with our customers is to keep the win – win principle, we attach great importance to preparing the best quality content when preparing our products.
Xantafe believes in the importance of our quick supply and we show great sensitivity in this regard. In the process of reaching the final consumer from R & D, we value utmost to be fast and reliable at every stage.